Symtron (No. 1)


SYM005a - Symtron [1999] 2 FCR 514 (F.C.A.)
SYM010a - Symtron (1999) 236 NR 143 (F.C.A.)
SYM011a - Symtron - law reports titlecard


Peter Simm researched and wrote the winning Factums for the Respondents on two jointly-heard judicial review applications in Symtron (No. 1)  (1999, F.C.A.).

Symtron  is a leading authority on the standard for judicial review of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal, and was unanimously applied by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2009. It has likewise been cited by the Federal Court of Appeal on the doctrine of functus officio . Establishing that NAFTA can be used to challenge a flawed governmental procurement process, Symtron  also gives important guidance on CITT powers to award meaningful remedies.

This case is cited in 21 judicial decisions, of which 17 were by appellate courts, most recently the Federal Court of Appeal in 2018. As well, Symtron  is cited in 11 CITT decisions, 11 legal textbooks (including 4 foreign books), and in 4 law journal papers. Additionally, this case is cited in an official Report by the (U.S.) Library of Congress summarizing Government Procurement Law in Canada.

Full cite: Canada (Attorney General) v. Symtron Systems Inc . ,1999 CanLII 9343, [1999] 2 F.C. 514, 236 N.R. 143, 1999 CarswellNat 1851, [1999] F.C.J. No. 178 (F.C.A.). (Orally argued by M. Margolis & L. Covello). (For the related financial claim, see Symtron (No. 2) . )


Administrative Law - Mullan - cites Symtron, McNamara

Administrative Law - Mullan - cites Symtron, McNamara

Advancing Public Procurement [U.S.A.] - Thai & Piga eds. - c.14 by Allen cites Symtron

Advancing Public Procurement [U.S.A.] - Thai & Piga eds. - c.14 by Allen cites Symtron

Canadian Law of Competitive Bidding & Procurement - McNeely - cites Symtron

Canadian Law of Competitive Bidding & Procurement - McNeely - cites Symtron

Canadian Trade Law - Herman - sums Symtron

Canadian Trade Law - Herman - sums Symtron

Comparative Law on Public Contracts - Nogeullo & Stelkins eds. - c. by Casavola discusses Symtron

Comparative Law on Public Contracts - Nogeullo & Stelkins eds. - c. by Casavola discusses Symtron

La Globalizzazione Dei Contratti Delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni - Casavola - cites Symtron

La Globalizzazione Dei Contratti Delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni - Casavola - cites Symtron

Government Procurement (4th ed., 2017) - Emanuelli - discusses Symtron

Government Procurement (4th ed., 2017) - Emanuelli - discusses Symtron

International Public Procurement - Garcia ed. - Leschinsky & Stobo c.10

International Public Procurement - Garcia ed. - Leschinsky & Stobo c.10 "Canada" cites Symtron

Judicial Review - Brown & Evans - cites Symton, Megens6x, Richmond5x, Poulton2x, McNamara2x, Schickedanz2x

Judicial Review - Brown & Evans - cites Symton, Megens6x, Richmond5x, Poulton2x, McNamara2x, Schickedanz2x

Procurement Review - Attwater - discusses Symtron

Procurement Review - Attwater - discusses Symtron

Standards of Review of Federal Tribunals (4th ed.) - deBeer et al. - cites Symtron twice

Standards of Review of Federal Tribunals (4th ed.) - deBeer et al. - cites Symtron twice

39 Alberta Law Review 977 (2002) - Elliott paper cites Symtron

39 Alberta Law Review 977 (2002) - Elliott paper cites Symtron

American Law Reports - 6 ALR Fed 2d 1 (2005) - Wooster & Binimow paper sums Symtron

American Law Reports - 6 ALR Fed 2d 1 (2005) - Wooster & Binimow paper sums Symtron

45 Revue de Droit Université de Sherbrooke 417 (2015) - Brabant paper cites Symtron

45 Revue de Droit Université de Sherbrooke 417 (2015) - Brabant paper cites Symtron

52 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 25 (2010) - Heckman paper cites Symtron

52 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 25 (2010) - Heckman paper cites Symtron