Peter Simm Helps Fellow Ontario Lawyers Triumph in Civil Appeals


Peter A. Simm has a substantial record of success in civil appeals. Across Canada, 92 appellate court decisions have cited Simm's cases, including three Supreme Court of Canada decisions, plus two by foreign appellate courts.

In difficult or complex matters where he was not previously involved, his experienced yet “fresh eyes” have demonstrably brought valuable insights.

He repre­sented the winn­ing Appel­­lants as counsel or co-counsel, respec­tively, in Kraft(Ont. C.A.) and in Rich­mond(Ont. Div. Ct.).

On the flip side, Simm was co-counsel for the successful respondents on appeal in Amberwood(Ont. C.A.), in R & S Transportation(Ont. C.A.), and in Machado(Ont. Div. Ct.).

In Amber­wood , Simm crafted the win­ning argu­ment by grap­pling with issues of judi­cial reform of a common-law rule, as well as whether Ontario law should adopt two long­standing British excep­tions to that rule. His legal and public policy analysis convinced the majority in the Court of Appeal, who expressly noted “the complexity and novelty of the issues”.

Simm can significantly improve your client’s chances of success on an appeal, through any of the following á la carte  services:

•  reviewing the lower court’s decision, and opining as to the advisability of bringing an appeal

•  identifying and formulating potentially viable grounds for appeal

•  where leave to appeal is requir­ed, formu­lating grounds for leave, and drafting requi­site mater­ials for the motion for leave

•  drafting a Notice of Appeal; or, where one has already been drafted, review­ing and revising it

•  research­ing and draft­ing the Factum

•  making oral argu­ment in Court as appel­late counsel, co-counsel or agent.