Peter Simm Helps Fellow Ontario Lawyers Triumph in Complex or High‑Stakes Motions


Not all motions are created equal. Some are definitely more important than others.

Peter A. Simm’s extensive experience in successfully bringing (or resisting) motions enables him to improve your client’s chances of prevailing, through any of the following á la carte services:

•  opining as to the advisability of a contemplated motion or cross-motion, and discussing potential options

•  drafting a Notice of Motion; or, where one has already been drafted, reviewing and, as appropriate, revising it

•  drafting supporting affidavits as appropriate; or, where an affidavit has already been drafted, reviewing it and suggesting revisions, subject (of course) to the affiant confirming the accuracy and truthfulness of the revisions

•  researching and drafting the Factum

•  serving as counsel or co-counsel on an important motion.