Philip Services


PHL100big - Globe 1999-02-20 - Ct modifies Philip lawsuit


Peter A. Simm was sole counsel in the Ontario Court (General Division) for the successful Moving Parties (Defendants), Mark Schmidt-Fellner and MIT International LLC, in this motion to strike pleadings in Philip Services (1999).

As reported in the Globe & Mail  in “Ontario court modifies Philip lawsuit” (Feb. 20, 1999), Justice B. Wein struck various claims totalling US$35 million drafted by a major Bay Street firm in this complex commercial case, as against both of Simm’s clients.

Full cite: Philip Services Corp. v. Waxman et al.,  Court File No. 98-CV-152481 (Motion heard and ruled upon, Feb. 19, 1999) (Ont. Ct. G.D.), per Wein J. (Note: This Motion was Simm’s only involvement in the action.)