Borg v. Pupo


Peter Simm drafted the winning Factum of the Moving Party (Plaintiff) on a Motion for partial Summary Judgment in Borg v. Pupo (No. 1)  (Ont. Sup. Ct., 2013), based on the tort of conversion (of motor vehicles). Justice O’Marra granted this Motion on July 10, 2013.

Simm also drafted the winning Factum of the Moving Party (Plaintiff) on a Motion to strike the Statement of Defence and Counterclaim, per Rules 57.03(2) and 60.12, granted by Master Abrams on March 10, 2014.

As well, Simm drafted the materials for the Plaintiff’s successful Motion in writing for Default Judgment, per Rule 19.05, in the amount of $82,731, granted by Justice Stinson on April 8, 2014.

Full cite: Borg v. Pupo (Ont. Sup. Ct. File No. CV-13-477788, unreported: (No. 1), Motion before Justice O’Marra, July 10, 2013; (No. 2), Motion before Master Abrams, March 10, 2014; (No. 3), Motion before Justice Stinson, April 8, 2014. (C. Chop orally argued all the Motions before Justice O’Marra and Master Abrams, while the Motion before Justice Stinson was “heard” in writing.)